Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Poland --evocative blog posts about Lesko cemetery (and synagogue)

Lesko Jewish cemetery, 2006. Photo (c) Ruth Ellen Gruber

By Ruth Ellen Gruber

I have just come across two very detailed blog posts about the synagogue and ancient Jewish cemetery in Lesko, in the far southeastern corner of Poland.

Both posts, on, are very informative and  richly illustrated with photographs -- they make me wish I had spent more time in Lesko when I was last there, in 2006, updating JHT.

Lesko synagogue, 2006. Photo (c) Ruth Ellen Gruber


  1. look like a beautifull place !!!

  2. Dear Ruth, thank you very much for this mention and the links. It is a honor for me. I appreciate very much your guide that I use in the Hungarian version. Please feel free to use any of my photos either in the two Lesko posts or in the other Jewish-themed posts of the blog (some more on Eastern European Jewish cemeteries will come soon).

    Best wishes and keep on the good work
    Tamás, Budapest
